


Scientific name: Allium cepa



  •  Onions are cultivated and used around the world. As a food item, they are usually served cooked, as a vegetable.

  • It is a biennial plant, but is usually grown as an annual.

  • They are rich in the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

  • Onion is an excellent source of vitamins C and B6, folate, iron, and potassium.

  •  And not just the vegetable, even the essential oil from onions has benefits.

  • Check out the next blog to know about the benefits of onion oil.


Health Benefits Of Onions:-


1. Improve Heart Health:-

 Onions are rich in organo sulfurs, which can help prevent heart disease.

2. Lower Blood Sugar Levels:-

 One of the sulfur compounds in onions (S-methylcysteine) and quercetin can have beneficial effects on blood sugar.

3. Improve Immune System:-

   Onions contain selenium that stimulates immune function.

 4.Maintain Bone Health:-

 Onion consumption was also found to have a beneficial effect on the bone density of women older than 50 years.

5.Promote Healthy Digestion:-

    Consuming this fiber helps your body maintain good levels of the healthy bacteria. 

6. Cure Ear Disorders:-

 One way to do this is to heat up the onion, extract some of the juice, and pour a few drops into the infected ear.

7. Improve sleep:-

   Onion can improve sleep and even reduce stress.

8. Prevent Blood Clots:-

     The onions helps block an enzyme, which is released very quickly when blood clots form. 

9. Enhance Brain Health:-

    Onions bind with the harmful toxins in the brain and flush them out of the body.

10. Cure Fever:-

    Onion can be included as a food ingredient to cure fever. 

11. Fight Cancer:-

    Onions activate the pathways that provoke the cancer cells to kill themselves. 

12. Promote Respiratory Health:-

    The anti-inflammatory properties of onions can also help soothe respiratory ailments.



Image result for onion

Benefits Of Onions For Skin:-


13.Make Skin Glow:-

    The vegetable is a powerful antiseptic, it can also shield the skin from bacteria that cause issues.

 14. Treat acne:-

    The antimicrobial, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory qualities of onion can work wonders on your skin.


Benefits For Hair:-

15. Treat Dandruff:-

  It can kill the bacteria that promotes the growth of dandruff.

16. Maintain Hair Color:-

  Apply the onion juice to hair can give the good benefits to maintain the hair color.


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